#!/usr/bin/env bash docker_tag_exists() { repo="${1-fbrinker/tileboard}" tag="${2-nightly}" curl --silent -f -lSL "https://hub.docker.com/v2/repositories/$repo/tags/$tag" > /dev/null 2>&1 } commitdate=$(curl -sL "https://api.github.com/repos/resoai/TileBoard/commits/master" | jq -r ".commit.author.date" | sed 's/T/ /; s/Z//') commitdays=$(( ( $(date --utc +%s) - $(date --utc -d "$commitdate" +%s) ) / 86400 )) echo "Last commit was $commitdate and is $commitdays days ago." if [ $commitdays -lt 2 ]; then echo "Found recent commits in the repository." echo "Continuing with pipeline..." elif ! docker_tag_exists; then echo "Missing an nightly build." echo "Continuing with pipeline..." else echo "No recent commits found." echo "Aborting pipeline." exit 78 # drone.io exit code to stop but success the pipeline fi