--[[ AchievementInfo @author Asto, @Astarax ]] -- Do the magic function AchievementInfo.onAchievementUpdated(_, achId) local output = "" -- addOn enabled? if AchievementInfo.settingGet("genEnabled") == false then if AchievementInfo.settingGet("devDebug") == false then return else output = output .. "DEBUG (AddOn Disabled): " end end -- local categoryId = AchievementInfo.getCorrectAchievementCategoryId(achId) -- ignore unwanted achievements ... if categoryId == false then if AchievementInfo.settingGet("devDebug") == false then return else output = output .. "DEBUG (Not Next): " end end -- -- achievement category enabled? if categoryId ~= false and AchievementInfo.settingGet("cat"..categoryId) == false then if AchievementInfo.settingGet("devDebug") == false then return else output = output .. "DEBUG (Category Off): " end end -- -- okay continue with the message local detailOutput = {} local detailOutputCount = 1 local percentageCmpSum = 0 local percentageReqSum = 0 local percentageStep = false local percentageStepSize = AchievementInfo.settingGet("genShowUpdateSteps") local link = GetAchievementLink(achId, LINK_STYLE_BRACKETS) local catName = "/" if categoryId ~= false then catName = GetAchievementCategoryInfo(categoryId) end output = output .. "" .. link .. " (" .. catName .. ")" local numCriteria = GetAchievementNumCriteria(achId) for i = 1, numCriteria, 1 do local description, numCompleted, numRequired = GetAchievementCriterion(achId, i) local tmpOutput = "" if i > 1 and AchievementInfo.settingGet("genOnePerLine") == false then tmpOutput = tmpOutput .. ", " end tmpOutput = tmpOutput .. zo_strformat("<<1>>", description) .. " " tmpOutput = tmpOutput .. AchievementInfo.calcCriteriaColor(numCompleted, numRequired) .. numCompleted .. "|r" tmpOutput = tmpOutput .. AchievementInfo.clrDefault .. "/" .. "|r" tmpOutput = tmpOutput .. AchievementInfo.clrCriteriaComplete .. numRequired .. "|r" tmpOutput = tmpOutput .. AchievementInfo.clrDefault if AchievementInfo.settingGet("genShowOpenDetailsOnly") == true then if numCompleted ~= numRequired then detailOutput[detailOutputCount] = tmpOutput detailOutputCount = detailOutputCount + 1 end else detailOutput[detailOutputCount] = tmpOutput detailOutputCount = detailOutputCount + 1 end -- show the achievement on every special achievement because it's a rare event if numRequired == 1 and numCompleted == 1 then percentageStep = true -- collect the numbers to calculate the correct percentage else percentageReqSum = percentageReqSum + numRequired percentageCmpSum = percentageCmpSum + numCompleted end end if percentageStep == false then -- show at percent value local percentage = 100 / percentageReqSum * percentageCmpSum local percentageNext = 100 / percentageReqSum * (percentageCmpSum + 1) -- if percentage of percentageStepSize is hit or the value is next to it and the next value will be higher if --[[percentage > 0 and]] percentage % percentageStepSize == 0 or (percentage % percentageStepSize > percentageNext % percentageStepSize and percentageNext % percentageStepSize ~= 0) then percentageStep = true -- show if this is the first numCompleted value elseif percentageCmpSum == 1 then percentageStep = true end end -- show details? local detailsCount = AchievementInfo.tableLength(detailOutput) if AchievementInfo.settingGet("genShowDetails") == true and detailsCount > 0 and AchievementInfo.settingGet("genOnePerLine") == false then output = output .. " - " for i = 1, detailsCount, 1 do output = output .. detailOutput[i] end else output = output .. "." end -- -- output on every step OR when its a defined percentage step if AchievementInfo.settingGet("genShowEveryUpdate") == false and percentageStep == false then if AchievementInfo.settingGet("devDebug") == false then return else output = "DEBUG (" .. AchievementInfo.settingGet("genShowUpdateSteps") .. "% Rule): " .. output end end -- -- if percentageReqSum == percentageCmpSum then output = LANG.Completed .. ": " .. output else output = LANG.Updated .. ": " .. output end -- AchievementInfo.echo(output) -- output the details line by line - start @2 because the normal output happend before (achievement name) if AchievementInfo.settingGet("genShowDetails") == true and AchievementInfo.settingGet("genOnePerLine") == true then for i = 1, AchievementInfo.tableLength(detailOutput), 1 do AchievementInfo.echo(detailOutput[i]) end end end -- Check if the category of an achievement is valid (reverse check) function AchievementInfo.checkForValidCategory(achId) local categoryTopLevelIndex, categoryIndex, achievementIndex = GetCategoryInfoFromAchievementId(achId) local reverseAchievementId = GetAchievementId(categoryTopLevelIndex, categoryIndex, achievementIndex) if achId == reverseAchievementId then return true end return false end -- Get the correct achievement category function AchievementInfo.getCorrectAchievementCategoryId(achId) local previousAchievementId = GetPreviousAchievementInLine(achId) if AchievementInfo.checkForValidCategory(achId) == false and previousAchievementId ~= 0 then return AchievementInfo.getCorrectAchievementCategoryId(previousAchievementId) elseif AchievementInfo.checkForValidCategory(achId) then return GetCategoryInfoFromAchievementId(achId) else return false end end -- Calculates the percentage of the achievement completition to define the color function AchievementInfo.calcCriteriaColor(completed, required) local percentage = 100 / required * completed if completed == required then return AchievementInfo.clrCriteriaComplete elseif percentage <= 33 then return AchievementInfo.clrCriteriaFar elseif percentage <= 66 then return AchievementInfo.clrCriteriaMedi else return AchievementInfo.clrCriteriaClose end end