--- kind: pipeline name: default clone: disable: true steps: - name: clone image: alpine/git commands: - git clone https://git.f-brinker.de/fbrinker/elderscrolls-addon-achievementInfo.git sources - cd sources && git checkout $DRONE_COMMIT - name: lint image: alpine commands: - apk update - apk add --no-cache lua lua-dev luarocks - luarocks install luacheck - luacheck sources - name: build image: alpine commands: - apk update && apk add --no-cache zip # Delete unneeded files/dirs - rm -rf sources/.git - rm -rf sources/.drone.yml # Set Version and AddonVersion - export VERSION=$DRONE_TAG - export ADDON_VERSION=$(echo $DRONE_TAG | sed -E 's/(0|)\.//g') - sed -i "s/%VERSION%/$VERSION/g" sources/AchievementInfoCommon.lua - sed -i "s/%VERSION%/$VERSION/g" sources/AchievementInfo.txt - sed -i "s/%ADDON_VERSION%/$ADDON_VERSION/g" sources/AchievementInfo.txt # Rename and zip - mv sources AchievementInfo - zip -r "AchievementInfo-$DRONE_TAG.zip" ./AchievementInfo when: event: - tag - name: release image: plugins/gitea-release settings: base_url: https://git.f-brinker.de api_key: from_secret: gitea_token files: ./*.zip title: AchievementInfo ${DRONE_TAG} note: AchievementInfo/CHANGELOG.md when: event: - tag