--[[colorpickerData = { type = "colorpicker", name = "My Color Picker", tooltip = "Color Picker's tooltip text.", getFunc = function() return db.r, db.g, db.b, db.a end, --(alpha is optional) setFunc = function(r,g,b,a) db.r=r, db.g=g, db.b=b, db.a=a end, --(alpha is optional) width = "full", --or "half" (optional) disabled = function() return db.someBooleanSetting end, --or boolean (optional) warning = "Will need to reload the UI.", --(optional) default = {r = defaults.r, g = defaults.g, b = defaults.b, a = defaults.a}, --(optional) table of default color values (or default = defaultColor, where defaultColor is a table with keys of r, g, b[, a]) reference = "MyAddonColorpicker" --(optional) unique global reference to control } ]] local widgetVersion = 7 local LAM = LibStub("LibAddonMenu-2.0") if not LAM:RegisterWidget("colorpicker", widgetVersion) then return end local wm = WINDOW_MANAGER local cm = CALLBACK_MANAGER local tinsert = table.insert local function UpdateDisabled(control) local disable if type(control.data.disabled) == "function" then disable = control.data.disabled() else disable = control.data.disabled end if disable then control.label:SetColor(ZO_DEFAULT_DISABLED_COLOR:UnpackRGBA()) else control.label:SetColor(ZO_DEFAULT_ENABLED_COLOR:UnpackRGBA()) end control.isDisabled = disable end local function UpdateValue(control, forceDefault, valueR, valueG, valueB, valueA) if forceDefault then --if we are forcing defaults local color = control.data.default valueR, valueG, valueB, valueA = color.r, color.g, color.b, color.a control.data.setFunc(valueR, valueG, valueB, valueA) elseif valueR and valueG and valueB then control.data.setFunc(valueR, valueG, valueB, valueA or 1) --after setting this value, let's refresh the others to see if any should be disabled or have their settings changed if control.panel.data.registerForRefresh then cm:FireCallbacks("LAM-RefreshPanel", control) end else valueR, valueG, valueB, valueA = control.data.getFunc() end control.thumb:SetColor(valueR, valueG, valueB, valueA or 1) end function LAMCreateControl.colorpicker(parent, colorpickerData, controlName) local control = LAM.util.CreateLabelAndContainerControl(parent, colorpickerData, controlName) control.color = control.container local color = control.color control.thumb = wm:CreateControl(nil, color, CT_TEXTURE) local thumb = control.thumb thumb:SetDimensions(36, 18) thumb:SetAnchor(LEFT, color, LEFT, 4, 0) color.border = wm:CreateControl(nil, color, CT_TEXTURE) local border = color.border border:SetTexture("EsoUI\\Art\\ChatWindow\\chatOptions_bgColSwatch_frame.dds") border:SetTextureCoords(0, .625, 0, .8125) border:SetDimensions(40, 22) border:SetAnchor(CENTER, thumb, CENTER, 0, 0) local function ColorPickerCallback(r, g, b, a) control:UpdateValue(false, r, g, b, a) end control:SetHandler("OnMouseUp", function(self, btn, upInside) if self.isDisabled then return end if upInside then local r, g, b, a = colorpickerData.getFunc() COLOR_PICKER:Show(ColorPickerCallback, r, g, b, a, colorpickerData.name) end end) if colorpickerData.warning then control.warning = wm:CreateControlFromVirtual(nil, control, "ZO_Options_WarningIcon") control.warning:SetAnchor(RIGHT, control.color, LEFT, -5, 0) control.warning.data = {tooltipText = colorpickerData.warning} end control.data.tooltipText = LAM.util.GetTooltipText(colorpickerData.tooltip) if colorpickerData.disabled then control.UpdateDisabled = UpdateDisabled control:UpdateDisabled() end control.UpdateValue = UpdateValue control:UpdateValue() if control.panel.data.registerForRefresh or control.panel.data.registerForDefaults then --if our parent window wants to refresh controls, then add this to the list tinsert(control.panel.controlsToRefresh, control) end return control end