# Job Visualizer This project is meant to visualize scheduled jobs for a given timespan, so you're able to see bottlenecks or timeframes where to many jobs are run simultaneously. **This tool analyzes a CSV file and creates an HTML file.** ## Usage For usage information call ``` ./job-visualizer -h ``` That will result in ``` Usage of ./job-visualizer: -file string File to import -output string File to generate ``` * `--file` Is a csv file you want to analyze * `--output` Is an html file the tool will generate ### CSV File Format Currently the format is fixed and planned to be configurable in the future. You need the following columns: * Prefix/Group * job_name: The name of the job * job_type: The type of the job * start_time: A string with start times for the group, e.g. `"2019-11-02 21:10:21,2019-11-03 21:19:33"` * end_time: As start_time, but the end times, e.g. `"2019-11-02 21:10:22,2019-11-03 21:19:33"`