"""This component updates the camera API and subscription.""" import logging import os import re import datetime as dt from typing import Optional from urllib.parse import quote_plus from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta from homeassistant.const import ( CONF_HOST, CONF_PASSWORD, CONF_PORT, CONF_TIMEOUT, CONF_USERNAME, ) from homeassistant.core import Context, HomeAssistant from homeassistant.helpers.network import get_url from homeassistant.helpers.storage import STORAGE_DIR import homeassistant.util.dt as dt_util from reolink.camera_api import Api from reolink.subscription_manager import Manager from reolink.typings import SearchTime from .typings import VoDEvent, VoDEventThumbnail from .const import ( BASE, CONF_PLAYBACK_MONTHS, CONF_THUMBNAIL_PATH, DEFAULT_PLAYBACK_MONTHS, EVENT_DATA_RECEIVED, CONF_CHANNEL, CONF_MOTION_OFF_DELAY, CONF_PROTOCOL, CONF_STREAM, DEFAULT_CHANNEL, DEFAULT_MOTION_OFF_DELAY, DEFAULT_PROTOCOL, DEFAULT_STREAM, DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, DOMAIN, PUSH_MANAGER, SESSION_RENEW_THRESHOLD, THUMBNAIL_EXTENSION, THUMBNAIL_URL, VOD_URL, ) _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) STORAGE_VERSION = 1 class ReolinkBase: """The implementation of the Reolink IP base class.""" def __init__( self, hass: HomeAssistant, config: dict, options: dict ): # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments """Initialize a Reolink camera.""" self._username = config[CONF_USERNAME] self._password = config[CONF_PASSWORD] if CONF_CHANNEL not in config: self._channel = DEFAULT_CHANNEL else: self._channel = config[CONF_CHANNEL] if CONF_TIMEOUT not in options: self._timeout = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT else: self._timeout = options[CONF_TIMEOUT] if CONF_STREAM not in options: self._stream = DEFAULT_STREAM else: self._stream = options[CONF_STREAM] if CONF_PROTOCOL not in options: self._protocol = DEFAULT_PROTOCOL else: self._protocol = options[CONF_PROTOCOL] self._api = Api( config[CONF_HOST], config[CONF_PORT], self._username, self._password, channel=self._channel - 1, stream=self._stream, protocol=self._protocol, timeout=self._timeout, ) self._hass = hass self.async_functions = list() self.sync_functions = list() self.motion_detection_state = True if CONF_MOTION_OFF_DELAY not in options: self.motion_off_delay = DEFAULT_MOTION_OFF_DELAY else: self.motion_off_delay: int = options[CONF_MOTION_OFF_DELAY] if CONF_PLAYBACK_MONTHS not in options: self.playback_months = DEFAULT_PLAYBACK_MONTHS else: self.playback_months: int = options[CONF_PLAYBACK_MONTHS] if CONF_THUMBNAIL_PATH not in options: self._thumbnail_path = None else: self._thumbnail_path: str = options[CONF_THUMBNAIL_PATH] @property def name(self): """Create the device name.""" return self._api.name @property def unique_id(self): """Create the unique ID, base for all entities.""" uid = self._api.mac_address.replace(":", "") return f"{uid}-{self.channel}" @property def event_id(self): """Create the event ID string.""" event_id = self._api.mac_address.replace(":", "") return f"{EVENT_DATA_RECEIVED}-{event_id}" @property def push_manager(self): """Create the event ID string.""" push_id = self._api.mac_address.replace(":", "") return f"{PUSH_MANAGER}-{push_id}" @property def timeout(self): """Return the timeout setting.""" return self._timeout @property def channel(self): """Return the channel setting.""" return self._channel @property def api(self): """Return the API object.""" return self._api @property def thumbnail_path(self): """ Thumbnail storage location """ if not self._thumbnail_path: self._thumbnail_path = self._hass.config.path( f"{STORAGE_DIR}/{DOMAIN}/{self.unique_id}" ) return self._thumbnail_path def set_thumbnail_path(self, value): """ Set custom thumbnail path""" self._thumbnail_path = value async def connect_api(self): """Connect to the Reolink API and fetch initial dataset.""" if not await self._api.get_settings(): return False if not await self._api.get_states(): return False await self._api.get_ai_state() await self._api.is_admin() return True async def set_channel(self, channel): """Set the API channel.""" self._channel = channel await self._api.set_channel(channel - 1) async def set_protocol(self, protocol): """Set the protocol.""" self._protocol = protocol await self._api.set_protocol(protocol) async def set_stream(self, stream): """Set the stream.""" self._stream = stream await self._api.set_stream(stream) async def set_timeout(self, timeout): """Set the API timeout.""" self._timeout = timeout await self._api.set_timeout(timeout) async def update_states(self): """Call the API of the camera device to update the states.""" await self._api.get_states() async def update_settings(self): """Call the API of the camera device to update the settings.""" await self._api.get_settings() async def disconnect_api(self): """Disconnect from the API, so the connection will be released.""" await self._api.logout() async def stop(self): """Disconnect the API and deregister the event listener.""" await self.disconnect_api() for func in self.async_functions: await func() for func in self.sync_functions: await self._hass.async_add_executor_job(func) async def send_search( self, start: dt.datetime, end: dt.datetime, only_status: bool = False ): """ Call the API of the camera device to search for VoDs """ return await self._api.send_search(start, end, only_status) async def emit_search_results( self, bus_event_id: str, camera_id: str, start: Optional[dt.datetime] = None, end: Optional[dt.datetime] = None, context: Optional[Context] = None, ): """ Run search and emit VoD results to event """ if end is None: end = dt_util.now() if start is None: start = dt.datetime.combine(end.date().replace(day=1), dt.time.min) if self.playback_months > 1: start -= relativedelta(months=int(self.playback_months)) _, files = await self._api.send_search(start, end) for file in files: end = searchtime_to_datetime(file["EndTime"], end.tzinfo) start = searchtime_to_datetime(file["StartTime"], end.tzinfo) event_id = str(start.timestamp()) url = VOD_URL.format(camera_id=camera_id, event_id=quote_plus(file["name"])) thumbnail = os.path.join( self.thumbnail_path, f"{event_id}.{THUMBNAIL_EXTENSION}" ) self._hass.bus.fire( bus_event_id, VoDEvent( event_id, start, end - start, file["name"], url, VoDEventThumbnail( THUMBNAIL_URL.format(camera_id=camera_id, event_id=event_id), os.path.isfile(thumbnail), thumbnail, ), ), context=context, ) class ReolinkPush: """The implementation of the Reolink IP base class.""" def __init__( self, hass: HomeAssistant, host, port, username, password ): # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments """Initialize a Reolink camera.""" self._host = host self._port = port self._username = username self._password = password self._hass = hass self._sman = None self._webhook_url = None self._webhook_id = None self._event_id = None @property def sman(self): """Return the session manager object.""" return self._sman async def subscribe(self, event_id): """Subscribe to motion events and set the webhook as callback.""" self._event_id = event_id self._webhook_id = await self.register_webhook() self._webhook_url = "{}{}".format( get_url(self._hass, prefer_external=False), self._hass.components.webhook.async_generate_path(self._webhook_id), ) self._sman = Manager(self._host, self._port, self._username, self._password) if await self._sman.subscribe(self._webhook_url): _LOGGER.info( "Host %s subscribed successfully to webhook %s", self._host, self._webhook_url, ) await self.set_available(True) else: await self.set_available(False) return True async def register_webhook(self): """ Register a webhook for motion events if it does not exist yet (in case of NVR). The webhook name (in info) contains the event id (contains mac address op the camera). So when motion triggers the webhook, it triggers this event. The event is handled by the binary sensor, in case of NVR the binary sensor also figures out what channel has the motion. So the flow is: camera onvif event->webhook->HA event->binary sensor. """ _LOGGER.debug("Registering webhook for event ID %s", self._event_id) webhook_id = self._hass.components.webhook.async_generate_id() self._hass.components.webhook.async_register( DOMAIN, self._event_id, webhook_id, handle_webhook ) return webhook_id async def renew(self): """Renew the subscription of the motion events (lease time is set to 15 minutes).""" if self._sman.renewtimer <= SESSION_RENEW_THRESHOLD: if not await self._sman.renew(): _LOGGER.error( "Host %s error renewing the Reolink subscription", self._host, ) await self.set_available(False) await self._sman.subscribe(self._webhook_url) else: await self.set_available(True) else: await self.set_available(True) async def set_available(self, available: bool): """Set the availability state to the base object.""" self._hass.bus.async_fire(self._event_id, {"available": available}) async def unsubscribe(self): """Unsubscribe from the motion events.""" await self.set_available(False) await self.unregister_webhook() return await self._sman.unsubscribe() async def unregister_webhook(self): """Unregister the webhook for motion events.""" _LOGGER.debug("Unregistering webhook %s", self._webhook_id) self._hass.components.webhook.async_unregister(self._webhook_id) async def count_members(self): """Count the number of camera's using this push manager.""" members = 0 for entry_id in self._hass.data[DOMAIN]: _LOGGER.debug("Got data entry: %s", entry_id) if PUSH_MANAGER in entry_id: continue # Count config entries only try: base = self._hass.data[DOMAIN][entry_id][BASE] if base.event_id == self._event_id: members += 1 except AttributeError: pass except KeyError: pass _LOGGER.debug("Found %d listeners for event %s", members, self._event_id) return members async def handle_webhook(hass, webhook_id, request): """Handle incoming webhook from Reolink for inbound messages and calls.""" _LOGGER.debug("Reolink webhook triggered") if not request.body_exists: _LOGGER.debug("Webhook triggered without payload") data = await request.text() if not data: _LOGGER.debug("Webhook triggered with unknown payload") return _LOGGER.debug(data) matches = re.findall(r'Name="IsMotion" Value="(.+?)"', data) if matches: is_motion = matches[0] == "true" else: _LOGGER.debug("Webhook triggered with unknown payload") return event_id = await get_event_by_webhook(hass, webhook_id) if not event_id: _LOGGER.error("Webhook triggered without event to fire") hass.bus.async_fire(event_id, {"motion": is_motion}) async def get_webhook_by_event(hass: HomeAssistant, event_id): """Find the webhook_id by the event_id.""" try: handlers = hass.data["webhook"] except KeyError: return for wid, info in handlers.items(): _LOGGER.debug("Webhook: %s", wid) _LOGGER.debug(info) if info["name"] == event_id: return wid async def get_event_by_webhook(hass: HomeAssistant, webhook_id): """Find the event_id by the webhook_id.""" try: handlers = hass.data["webhook"] except KeyError: return for wid, info in handlers.items(): if wid == webhook_id: event_id = info["name"] return event_id def searchtime_to_datetime(self: SearchTime, timezone: dt.tzinfo): """ Convert SearchTime to datetime """ return dt.datetime( self["year"], self["mon"], self["day"], self["hour"], self["min"], self["sec"], tzinfo=timezone, )