"Wrong way to install" error #2

Shogun1978 atvēra 2020-12-22 11:23:19 +00:00 · 3 komentāri

I installed the latest container in a non-production docker host and getting the following error:

If you see this page then you you have most likely picked a wrong way to install TileBoard.

If you are not a TileBoard developer and just want to use it then go to Releases page and download the TileBoard.zip file attached to the latest release.

You can also check out How To Use instructions for more detailed instructions.

I copied the setup from the (older) running production environment to the testing system (1:1).

I installed the latest container in a non-production docker host and getting the following error: If you see this page then you you have most likely picked a wrong way to install TileBoard. If you are not a TileBoard developer and just want to use it then go to Releases page and download the TileBoard.zip file attached to the latest release. You can also check out How To Use instructions for more detailed instructions. I copied the setup from the (older) running production environment to the testing system (1:1).

The /tileboard folder in this docker is the git repository of tileboard, which is not what should be used
You can download a release zip file from tileboard and map the whole extracted folder to have it working again
I use docker-compose, so something like this:
- ./tileboard:/tileboard/

The /tileboard folder in this docker is the git repository of tileboard, which is not what should be used You can download a release zip file from tileboard and map the whole extracted folder to have it working again I use docker-compose, so something like this: volumes: - ./tileboard:/tileboard/

Sorry I am currently not using this anymore, but I will take a look into it. Thanks for the hint!

Sorry I am currently not using this anymore, but I will take a look into it. Thanks for the hint!
fbrinker piešķīra sev 2021-02-01 13:34:23 +00:00

I am sorry that it took a while. But it should be fixed now. I've also added a few tags besides :latest, if you want to stick to a specific version.

See the readme or the Hub-page for more details:

Please give it a try :)

I am sorry that it took a while. But it should be fixed now. I've also added a few tags besides :latest, if you want to stick to a specific version. See the readme or the Hub-page for more details: https://hub.docker.com/r/fbrinker/tileboard Please give it a try :)
fbrinker slēdza šo problēmu 2021-03-20 17:56:39 +00:00
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