fix: make not rely on tag being latest #6

fbrinker fusionados 2 commits de akloeckner/fbrinker-tileboard:feat-repos en master 2021-05-10 16:11:03 +00:00

This introduces:

  • an explicit check for the existence of the latest version tag
  • more verbose output
    • This was just for debugging actually, but I believe it might help in the future.
  • input parameters to the script
    • This allows for using the script also from other repos. I'd like to keep trying things without having to ask you for checking in

This is probably related to #5, because if we introcude the nightly tag, the current check might fail.

This introduces: * an explicit check for the existence of the latest version tag * This way, we don't need to bother to have `nightly` or `dev` tags in place. The new check works by `curl` failing, if the target tag does not exist. Source: * more verbose output * This was just for debugging actually, but I believe it might help in the future. * input parameters to the `` script * This allows for using the script also from other repos. I'd like to keep trying things without having to ask you for checking in This is probably related to #5, because if we introcude the `nightly` tag, the current check might fail.
akloeckner añadido 1 commit 2021-05-10 15:24:02 +00:00
This introduces:
* an explicit check for the existence of the latest version tag
  * This way, we don't need to bother to have `nightly` or `dev` tags in place. The new check works by `curl` failing, if the target tag does not exist.
* more verbose output
  * This was just for debugging actually, but I believe it might help in the future.
* input parameters to the `` script
  * This allows for using the script also from other repos. I'd like to keep trying things without having to ask you for checking in
fbrinker añadido 1 commit 2021-05-10 16:10:27 +00:00
fbrinker commit fusionado 9aaa9acca9 en master 2021-05-10 16:11:03 +00:00
28	Latest release is: 2.6.0.
29	Nothing to do. Latest release tag already exists.

👍 :)
``` 28 Latest release is: 2.6.0. 29 Nothing to do. Latest release tag already exists. 👍 :)
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Referencia: fbrinker/docker-tileboard-OUTDATED#6
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