Fix Whitespace Warings
Декілька перевірок не були успішними
continuous-integration/drone/push Build is failing

This commit is contained in:
Florian Brinker 2019-10-23 23:19:04 +02:00
джерело 7ea5ec71f5
коміт 30fd6753d3
4 змінених файлів з 29 додано та 29 видалено

@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ function AchievementInfo.initialize(eventCode, addOnName)
-- Register Events
AchievementInfo.registerEvent(EVENT_ACHIEVEMENT_UPDATED, AchievementInfo.onAchievementUpdated)
-- Status Output (debug mode only)
if AchievementInfo.settingGet("devDebug") then

@ -64,8 +64,8 @@ function AchievementInfo.onAchievementUpdated(eventCode, achId)
local name, numCompleted, numRequired = GetAchievementCriterion(achId, i)
local tmpOutput = ""
if i > 1 and AchievementInfo.settingGet("genOnePerLine") == false then
tmpOutput = tmpOutput .. ", "
if i > 1 and AchievementInfo.settingGet("genOnePerLine") == false then
tmpOutput = tmpOutput .. ", "
tmpOutput = tmpOutput .. name .. " "
@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ function AchievementInfo.onAchievementUpdated(eventCode, achId)
tmpOutput = tmpOutput .. AchievementInfo.clrDefault .. "/" .. "|r"
tmpOutput = tmpOutput .. AchievementInfo.clrCriteriaComplete .. numRequired .. "|r"
tmpOutput = tmpOutput .. AchievementInfo.clrDefault
if AchievementInfo.settingGet("genShowOpenDetailsOnly") == true and numCompleted ~= numRequired then
detailOutput[detailOutputCount] = tmpOutput
detailOutputCount = detailOutputCount + 1
@ -103,14 +103,14 @@ function AchievementInfo.onAchievementUpdated(eventCode, achId)
-- show details?
-- show details?
local detailsCount = AchievementInfo.tableLength(detailOutput)
if AchievementInfo.settingGet("genShowDetails") == true and detailsCount > 0 and AchievementInfo.settingGet("genOnePerLine") == false then
if AchievementInfo.settingGet("genShowDetails") == true and detailsCount > 0 and AchievementInfo.settingGet("genOnePerLine") == false then
output = output .. " - "
for i = 1, detailsCount, 1 do
output = output .. detailOutput[i]
output = output .. detailOutput[i]
output = output .. "."
@ -135,12 +135,12 @@ function AchievementInfo.onAchievementUpdated(eventCode, achId)
-- output the details line by line - start @2 because the normal output happend before (achievement name)
if AchievementInfo.settingGet("genShowDetails") == true and AchievementInfo.settingGet("genOnePerLine") == true then
for i = 1, AchievementInfo.tableLength(detailOutput), 1 do

@ -122,43 +122,43 @@ LANG_STORE.DE.SettingsOption.DebugModeWarning = "In den meißten Fällen muss di
-- AddOn Output
LANG_STORE.FR.Updated = "Mis à jour"
LANG_STORE.FR.Completed = "Terminé"
-- AddOn Settings Header
LANG_STORE.FR.SettingsHeader = {}
LANG_STORE.FR.SettingsHeader.General = "Général"
LANG_STORE.FR.SettingsHeader.Categories = "Catégories"
LANG_STORE.FR.SettingsHeader.CategoriesDescription = "Ici vous pouvez gérer les notifications par catégories"
LANG_STORE.FR.SettingsHeader.Development = "Développement"
-- AddOn Settings General Options
LANG_STORE.FR.SettingsOption = {}
LANG_STORE.FR.SettingsOption.AddOnEnabled = "Extension activée"
LANG_STORE.FR.SettingsOption.AddOnEnabledTooltip = "Active ou désactive cette extension"
LANG_STORE.FR.SettingsOption.AddOnEnabledWarning = "Seul les messages sortants peuvent être désactivés"
LANG_STORE.FR.SettingsOption.ShowEveryUpdate = "Affichage de chaque mise à jour"
LANG_STORE.FR.SettingsOption.ShowEveryUpdateTooltip = "Affiche un message pour chaque mise à jour d'un succès. Le reste du temps les messages n'apparaissent que sous forme de plage de x%"
LANG_STORE.FR.SettingsOption.ShowUpdateSteps = "Etapes de notification (%)"
LANG_STORE.FR.SettingsOption.ShowUpdateStepsTooltip = "Définie la plage des notifications, si '" .. LANG_STORE.FR.SettingsOption.ShowEveryUpdate .. "' est désactivé"
LANG_STORE.FR.SettingsOption.ShowDetails = "Affichage des détails"
LANG_STORE.FR.SettingsOption.ShowDetailsTooltip = "Affiche les détails de progression de chaque message de mise à jour"
LANG_STORE.FR.SettingsOption.ShowOpenDetailsOnly = "Affichage des détails incomplets"
LANG_STORE.FR.SettingsOption.ShowOpenDetailsOnlyTooltip = "Affiche, dans les détails, uniquement les taches incomplètes d'un succès"
-- pCHat compatibility option
LANG_STORE.FR.SettingsOption.OneElementPerLine = "Sortie ligne par ligne"
LANG_STORE.FR.SettingsOption.OneElementPerLineTooltip = "Affiche chaque partie d'un succès sur une simple ligne"
LANG_STORE.FR.SettingsOption.OneElementPerLineWarning = "Nécessite la compatibilité avec pChat"
-- AddOn Settings Category Options
-- The categories are taken from the game language files
LANG_STORE.FR.SettingsOption.CategoryTooltip = "Affiche les messages pour la catégorie"
-- AddOn Settings Development Options
LANG_STORE.FR.SettingsOption.DebugMode = "Mode de débogage"
LANG_STORE.FR.SettingsOption.DebugModeTooltip = "Affiche les messages cachés pour vérifier s'ils n'ont pas été cachés par erreur"

@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ end
-- Function to create the settings panel
function AchievementInfo.createSettingsPanel()
local LAM = LibStub("LibAddonMenu-2.0")
local panelData = {
type = "panel",
name =,
@ -119,14 +119,14 @@ function AchievementInfo.createSettingsPanel()
text = LANG.SettingsHeader.CategoriesDescription .. ":"
-- Add categories dynamically
local numCats = GetNumAchievementCategories()
local catCount = 1
for i = 1, numCats, 1 do
catName, numSubCats = GetAchievementCategoryInfo(i)
table.insert(optionsTable, {
type = "checkbox",
name = catName,
@ -135,13 +135,13 @@ function AchievementInfo.createSettingsPanel()
setFunc = function() AchievementInfo.settingToogle("cat"..i) end
-- Debug setting at the end
table.insert(optionsTable, {
type = "header",
name = AchievementInfo.clrSettingsHeader .. LANG.SettingsHeader.Development
table.insert(optionsTable, {
type = "checkbox",
name = LANG.SettingsOption.DebugMode,
@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ function AchievementInfo.createSettingsPanel()
setFunc = function() AchievementInfo.settingToogle("devDebug") end,
warning = LANG.SettingsOption.DebugModeWarning
-- Register
LAM:RegisterAddonPanel("SettingsPanel", panelData)
LAM:RegisterOptionControls("SettingsPanel", optionsTable)