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Only show every update outside of group dungeons #7

aberta 2021-03-20 20:31:51 +00:00 por fbrinker · 0 comentários

Hi I love the show every update feature.

However it's slightly too spammy for group dungeons, which I do often. So I find myself having to change it before and after every dungeon, which takes a while with how long my addon setings lists are now.

So can you add an option to only show every update outside of group dungeons?

If not possible, maybe a fast slash command to enable/disable.


/ai on/off
-- Eleventeen

> Hi I love the show every update feature. > > However it's slightly too spammy for group dungeons, which I do often. So I find myself having to change it before and after every dungeon, which takes a while with how long my addon setings lists are now. > > So can you add an option to only show every update outside of group dungeons? > > If not possible, maybe a fast slash command to enable/disable. > > Say: > > /ai on/off > -- Eleventeen
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Referência: fbrinker/elderscrolls-addon-achievementInfo#7
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