2021-08-28 21:21:19 +02:00

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"""This component provides support many for Reolink IP cameras switches."""
import asyncio
import logging
from homeassistant.components.switch import DEVICE_CLASS_SWITCH
from homeassistant.helpers.entity import ToggleEntity
from .const import BASE, DOMAIN
from .entity import ReolinkEntity
_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
async def async_setup_entry(hass, config_entry, async_add_devices):
"""Set up the Reolink IP Camera switches."""
devices = []
base = hass.data[DOMAIN][config_entry.entry_id][BASE]
for capability in await base.api.get_switch_capabilities():
if capability == "ftp":
devices.append(FTPSwitch(hass, config_entry))
elif capability == "email":
devices.append(EmailSwitch(hass, config_entry))
elif capability == "audio":
devices.append(AudioSwitch(hass, config_entry))
elif capability == "irLights":
devices.append(IRLightsSwitch(hass, config_entry))
elif capability == "recording":
devices.append(RecordingSwitch(hass, config_entry))
async_add_devices(devices, update_before_add=False)
class FTPSwitch(ReolinkEntity, ToggleEntity):
"""An implementation of a Reolink IP camera FTP switch."""
def __init__(self, hass, config):
"""Initialize a Reolink camera."""
ReolinkEntity.__init__(self, hass, config)
def unique_id(self):
"""Return Unique ID string."""
return f"reolink_ftpSwitch_{self._base.unique_id}"
def name(self):
"""Return the name of this camera."""
return f"{self._base.name} FTP"
def is_on(self):
"""Camera Motion FTP upload Status."""
return self._base.api.ftp_state
def device_class(self):
"""Device class of the switch."""
def icon(self):
"""Icon of the switch."""
if self.is_on:
return "mdi:folder-upload"
return "mdi:folder-remove"
async def async_turn_on(self, **kwargs):
"""Enable motion ftp recording."""
await self._base.api.set_ftp(True)
await self.request_refresh()
async def async_turn_off(self, **kwargs):
"""Disable motion ftp recording."""
await self._base.api.set_ftp(False)
await self.request_refresh()
class EmailSwitch(ReolinkEntity, ToggleEntity):
"""An implementation of a Reolink IP camera email switch."""
def __init__(self, hass, config):
"""Initialize a Reolink camera."""
ReolinkEntity.__init__(self, hass, config)
def unique_id(self):
"""Return Unique ID string."""
return f"reolink_emailSwitch_{self._base.unique_id}"
def name(self):
"""Return the name of this camera."""
return f"{self._base.name} email"
def is_on(self):
"""Camera Motion email upload Status."""
return self._base.api.email_state
def device_class(self):
"""Device class of the switch."""
def icon(self):
"""Icon of the switch."""
if self.is_on:
return "mdi:email"
return "mdi:email-outline"
async def async_turn_on(self, **kwargs):
"""Enable motion email notification."""
await self._base.api.set_email(True)
await self.request_refresh()
async def async_turn_off(self, **kwargs):
"""Disable motion email notification."""
await self._base.api.set_email(False)
await self.request_refresh()
class IRLightsSwitch(ReolinkEntity, ToggleEntity):
"""An implementation of a Reolink IP camera ir lights switch."""
def __init__(self, hass, config):
"""Initialize a Reolink camera."""
ReolinkEntity.__init__(self, hass, config)
def unique_id(self):
"""Return Unique ID string."""
return f"reolink_irLightsSwitch_{self._base.unique_id}"
def name(self):
"""Return the name of this camera."""
return f"{self._base.name} IR lights"
def is_on(self):
"""Camera Motion ir lights Status."""
return self._base.api.ir_state
def device_class(self):
"""Device class of the switch."""
def icon(self):
"""Icon of the switch."""
if self.is_on:
return "mdi:flashlight"
return "mdi:flashlight-off"
async def async_turn_on(self, **kwargs):
"""Enable motion ir lights."""
await self._base.api.set_ir_lights(True)
await self.request_refresh()
async def async_turn_off(self, **kwargs):
"""Disable motion ir lights."""
await self._base.api.set_ir_lights(False)
await self.request_refresh()
class RecordingSwitch(ReolinkEntity, ToggleEntity):
"""An implementation of a Reolink IP camera recording switch."""
def __init__(self, hass, config):
"""Initialize a Reolink camera."""
ReolinkEntity.__init__(self, hass, config)
def unique_id(self):
"""Return Unique ID string."""
return f"reolink_recordingSwitch_{self._base.unique_id}"
def name(self):
"""Return the name of this camera."""
return f"{self._base.name} recording"
def is_on(self):
"""Camera recording upload Status."""
return self._base.api.recording_state
def device_class(self):
"""Device class of the switch."""
def icon(self):
"""Icon of the switch."""
if self.is_on:
return "mdi:filmstrip"
return "mdi:filmstrip-off"
async def async_turn_on(self, **kwargs):
"""Enable recording."""
await self._base.api.set_recording(True)
await self.request_refresh()
async def async_turn_off(self, **kwargs):
"""Disable recording."""
await self._base.api.set_recording(False)
await self.request_refresh()
class AudioSwitch(ReolinkEntity, ToggleEntity):
"""An implementation of a Reolink IP camera audio switch."""
def __init__(self, hass, config):
"""Initialize a Reolink camera."""
ReolinkEntity.__init__(self, hass, config)
def unique_id(self):
"""Return Unique ID string."""
return f"reolink_audioSwitch_{self._base.unique_id}"
def name(self):
"""Return the name of this camera."""
return f"{self._base.name} record audio"
def is_on(self):
"""Camera audio switch Status."""
return self._base.api.audio_state
def device_class(self):
"""Device class of the switch."""
def icon(self):
"""Icon of the switch."""
if self.is_on:
return "mdi:volume-high"
return "mdi:volume-off"
async def async_turn_on(self, **kwargs):
"""Enable audio recording."""
await self._base.api.set_audio(True)
await self.request_refresh()
async def async_turn_off(self, **kwargs):
"""Disable audio recording."""
await self._base.api.set_audio(False)
await self.request_refresh()